February 4, 2011

Making Books: Good Morning/Afternoon Dear Earth

One song that we sing each morning and each afternoon is:
Good morning (afternoon) dear earth, good morning dear sun
Good morning dear rocks and flowers everyone
Good morning dear beasts and birds in the trees
Good morning to you, good morning to me.
Aiden had something he wanted to share with us. He had made up his own lyrics: "Good morning dear villagers..." Others started making up their own words too. Pretty soon we had excitement brewing. Everyone had ideas of their own. We decided that we would like to make up our own Good Morning (or Afternoon) songs.

We got right to it! We had books devoted to dinosaurs, animals, family members, classmates...
We used our pink alphabet pages to help us with needed sounds. Some of us sought inspiration from the pictures and words on those pink pages.
We each read our books to our attentively listening classmates.
We shared our stories with friends before taking them home. We promised to read them to moms, dads, dogs, cats, and even pet fish!

Amaryllis Study

Our most recent scientific study began with an amaryllis bulb.
We used pencil to draw the shapes that we saw. Then we painted with watercolors.
We identified the various parts - the bulb, the roots and the stem.

We used Unifix cubes to measure the height and width of the bulb.
Taking measurements helped with creating more accurate representations of the bulb.
We noticed the different colors - the reds, yellows, browns and greens.
We discussed the difference between a scientific/realistic and cartoon/make-believe drawings and paintings.
This science lesson focused on observation, shapes, lines, proportion and colors.

We listened to classical music while painting.
And just for fun, we added a background.
One amaryllis plant is on the windowsill and receives indirect sunlight. The other is in the dark closet. We will be watching and reporting changes.