With so many changes happening, this is an exciting year for Conway's Kindergarten Program! Consider this year's Standards-Based Report Card:
The following examples (without formatting) are to give you an idea of how much information the previous report card transmitted in contrast to the new Standards-Based Report Card.
This is the previous version:
S = satisfactory
P = progressing, partial understanding
B = beginning
Shaded areas = not evaluated this grading period
| 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
Treats others with respect | S |
Obeys school and safety rules | S |
Works independently |
Practices good listening skills |
Completes work in a reasonable time |
Counts to 30/50/75/100 | S |
Accurately counts objects to 10/20/25/30 | S |
Sorts and classifies objects by attribute: color/shape/size | S |
Recognizes, copies and extends patterns | S |
Compares and identifies groups: more/fewer/equal |
Identifies numbers to 10/20/25/30 | S |
Measurement: compares and estimates length, capacity, weight |
Solves simple addition and subtraction problems using concrete models |
Homework |
| 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
| |||
Speaks clearly | S |
Expresses ideas and experiences to a group | S |
Recalls details and sequence of a story |
Participates in guided literature discussions | S |
| |||
| |||
Uses pictures to convey meaning | S |
Tells about own pictures and writing | S |
Labels and adds words to pictures | S |
| |||
| |||
Writes first name without a model | S |
Uses scissors correctly and effectively | S |
Prints letters as introduced | S |
Writes numerals 0 – 10 without a model |
| |||
| |||
Recognizes visual differences in pictures and designs | S |
Identifies capital letters (as introduced)
| S |
Identifies lower case letters (as introduced)
| P |
Identifies letter sounds (as introduced)
| S |
Identifies beginning sounds in words
| S |
Identifies rhyming words |
Recites/reads predictable or patterned books
| S |
Reads high frequency words (as introduced)
Now compare. Look at the changes (below) that are reflected on our new Standards-Based Report Card.
Our goal is to inform parents with more specificity. So, instead of receiving S (satisfactory), P (progressing/partial understanding), or B (beginning) - a child's grade will be a 4 (exceeding), 3 (at), 2 (working towards), or 1 (below) to indicate how standards/expectations are being met.
Social and Behavior Skills that Support Learning | |||
4 Exceeds Expectations at Trimester Consistently and independently exceeds expectations | 3 Meets Expectations at Trimester Frequently meets expectations with minimal assistance | 2 Working Toward Expectations at Trimester Occasionally meets expectations, requires moderate assistance and/or redirecting | 1 Below Expectations at Trimester Rarely meets expectations and requires considerable assistance and/or redirecting |
Collaboration and Cooperation | F | W | S |
| Self Directed Learner | F | W | S |
Interacts positively and respectfully | 3 |
| Organizes work space and materials | 3 |
Follows school/class rules | 3 |
| Uses class time productively | 2 |
Works well with others | 2 |
| Finishes work in a timely manner | 2 |
Respects property | 3 |
| Demonstrates willingness to try | 3 |
Handles small conflicts with ease | 3 |
| Follows directions | 3 |
Accepts responsibility for behavior | 3 |
| Works independently | 2 |
Communication |
| Brings backpack and returns folder | 3 |
Listens attentively without interrupting | 3 |
| Health and Fitness |
Speaks effectively in front of others | 3 |
| Develops fundamental movement skills | 3 |
Asks necessary and relevant questions | 3 |
| Demonstrates appropriate behavior | 3 |
Understands and applies technology skills | 3 |
| Attempts and practices all tasks/activities | 3 |
Music |
| Art |
Develops and applies music skills and concepts | 3 |
| Develops and practices skills | 3 |
Demonstrates appropriate behavior | 3 |
| Attempts and practices all tasks/assignments | 3 |
Attempts and practices all tasks/activities | 3 |
Academic Quality | |||
4 Exceeds Standards at Trimester Consistently and independently exceeds expectations for grade level | 3 Meets Standards at Trimester Frequently meets expectations with minimal assistance | 2 Working Toward Standards at Trimester Occasionally meets expectations for grade level, requires moderate assistance, extra time, instruction, & practice | 1 Minimal Progress Toward Standard at Trimester Does not yet meet expectations for grade level, requires considerable assistance, an extended amount of time, instruction, & practice |
NE = Not evaluated at the time * = See separate report
Reading | F | W | S |
| Math | F | W | S |
Applies understanding of phonics (examples: letter names, consonant/short vowel sounds, decode three- and four-letter words, use phonics to read unfamiliar words) |
2 |
| Demonstrates and applies concepts of number sense (examples: counts to 100, reads numerals to 31, orders numbers to 10, uses number line, quantity to 20, compares sets) | 3 |
Understands and applies phonemic awareness (examples: rhyming, segmenting, blending) | 3 |
| Applies concepts of algebraic sense (examples: copies, extends, identifies patterns) | 3 |
Reads kindergarten sight words (examples: am I love see mom dad the me you like by on is by no) | NE |
| Understands and applies concepts in measurement (sorts, compares, orders) | 3 |
Understands and applies new vocabulary | 3 |
| Uses math to define and solve problems | NE |
Demonstrates comprehension (examples: questioning, retelling, sequencing, making connections) | 3 |
| Identifies, sorts and names basic shapes, describes similarities | 3 |
Understands concepts of print (directionality, parts of a book, relationship of print-spoken language) | 3 |
| Communicates knowledge and understanding using appropriate vocabulary and symbols | 3 |
Demonstrates effort in language | 3 |
| Demonstrates effort in mathematics | 3 |
Completes reading and logs in minutes for homework | 3 |
| Completes and returns math homework | 2 |
Writing |
Writes clearly and legibly | 3 |
| Science |
Demonstrates awareness of capitals/lowercase | 3 |
| Participates in learning concepts & content | 3 |
Uses conventions (letter/number formation, spaces) | 3 |
Spells words phonetically | 2 |
| Social Studies |
Communicates ideas through pictures, words, captions and/or sentences | 3 |
| Participates in learning concepts & content | 3 |
Demonstrates effort in writing | 3 |
Conway's Kindergarten Program has developed this report card after carefully examining samples from other districts. We took our old report card and revised it into what we considered the best of.
Also note the following from a letter by our principal, Deenie Berry:
An interesting fact about standards-based grading versus traditional grading is that scores are trended rather than averaged. In a system of trending grades, the achievement that students show later in each trimester weigh more heavily than early in the grading period when the skills are newly introduced. In a trending system, if students struggle at the beginning of a skill, but demonstrate effective progress, they are graded on how they consistently meet expectations/standards. In a traditional averaging of grades, this student would actually score lower than a trending grade that clearly acknowledges where the student consistently is working later in the trimester.
We are interested to know what you think! Please drop us a line. dpatterson@conway.k12.wa.us