January 9, 2011

Science Camp

After our classroom got flooded out, we moved to our temporary location. And since it's like camping out we kicked off the New Year with Science Camp Week.

We began with our Goldfish Study.
We met Loretta and Jack - the goldfish that Miss Holly loaned us. We discussed what observation is. We practiced. We observed how the goldfish swam by moving their tails.
We discussed the parts of a goldfish: head, tail, mouth, eyes, and fins.
We talked to each other about what we noticed.
Then we used our magnifying lenses to see so much more. We learned about focusing with a lens.
We were excited!
Then we read color words to color different parts of the fish.

Then we drew was we observed in the tank: the two fish, the marbles on the bottom, and the elodea plants floating in the water.

Sink or Float:
We made predictions about which items would sink and which would float.
We tested our predictions.

After making careful observations, we cut out and glued pictures of each item into the proper category. We wrote the number of how many things floated and how many things sank.

We each chose a mealworm to study. We put bran and a carrot piece into each tiny habitat. We began our daily observation and drew a picture for day 1 on our mealworm calendars.

Walking Stick Insects:
So we could see them, we had our three biggest walking stick insects in an isolated tank.
We drew a walking stick insect and what we noticed was in the tank.
We watched their behavior. We noticed:
  • that they play dead
  • they"dance" back and forth
  • they pull their feet close to their bodies so that it looks like they don't have 6 legs (even though they do)
  • They have sticky feet and can even walk upside down
So, camping out in our new classroom isn't so bad. We may miss our classroom, our cozy rug, and the familiarity - but we are resilient!