January 15, 2011

Update and Tour of our Water-Damaged Building

Such a seemingly little pipe - only a 3/4" pipe. It certainly wreaked havoc in our building! The water damaged carpet, ceiling tiles and drywall have all been pulled out. The building has sufficiently dried out and the drywall crew began on Friday, January 14.
Our Hallway
This is the area where our benches were.

You are now approaching the kindergarten classroom.

Our door

This is the view that you see when you walk through the door.

Here are our cubbies. Thankfully, only the two bottom shelves needed to be removed.

This is our sink and art supplies area.

The back of the classroom where the house center and computers were

It may take 4-6 weeks for new shelves.

Our book area

As you can see, the irises are just a vestige of what they used to be.
